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El análisis de los números

The range of transformed elements in JV is approved by the quality control bodies of all the markets in which we have a significant commercial presence and all the formulas used by the JV Group can be certified with their laboratory results, upon request, according to their manufacturing lot. Usually, the values provided by the laboratory refer to its mechanical behavior, the most common are:

Shore A Hardness: is the dynamic rebound hardness test and measures the elastic reaction of the rubber when we try to penetrate it with a harder material. In elastomers it is usually measured in Shore A.

Density: is the test that measures how much material is compressed in a given space, meaning, the amount of mass per unit volume. In the International System, the unit of density is the kilogram per cubic meter (known by the symbol kg / m3).

Abrasion: measures the mechanical action of friction and the wear or erosion of rubber produced by friction against another surface. It is expressed in mm³.

Tear: measures the resistance of a rubber to laceration. Laboratory results are expressed in N / mm.

Traction: measures the breakage of the sample or rubber specimen by making an effort by means of the fastening of each end with a stretch at constant speed until it reaches breakage. The tension required to break the sample represents the tensile strength of the material and is measured by a dynamometer. The resulting values are usually expressed in mega pascals (Mpa).

Elongation or elongation at break: is a magnitude that measures the increase in length that a rubber has when it is subjected to a tensile stress before its breakage occurs and the ability to return it to its original length once the stretching process is aborted. The elongation is expressed as a percentage (%) with respect to the initial length.

Compression Set: is the test that evaluates the permanent deformation by compression and refers to the degree of deformation of a polymer due to a prolonged exposure to a compression load.

In addition, the mixtures used for the transformation of JV Group products can be certified upon request with compliance with the Delegated Directive (EU) 2015/863 which modifies Annex II of Directive 2011/65 / EU with regard to the list of restricted substances RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) and comply with Regulation 1907/2006 of the European Commission, regarding the registration, evaluation and authorization of REACH chemical products.

All the silicone used for the manufacture in Arcade, Industrias JV and JV Elastomeros can be certified according to the following norms (previous notice in order):


  • F.D.A. regulation "Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR" concerning "food contact applications" if they are used in compliance with Section 177.2600 "Rubber articles intended for repeated use".


  • BfR (former BGVV), recommendation XV concerning silicones.


  • EUROPEAN UNION, Directive 2002/72 / EC, including 2004/19 / EC and regulations on migration under Directives 85/272 EC and 93/8 EC and its amendments.

Científico en la computadora

Pol. Ind. Can Salvatella, C/. Cabanyes, 33-37. 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona).  Tel. 93 719 21 00  Correo:

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